May 8, 2022Board Thought Leadership Series - Thea DiscepolaBy Thea Discepola To all the Women Leaders in Pharma, I am the most recent addition to the Board of this amazing organization: Women...
May 7, 2022Habits Win Over DisciplineBy Audrey Couture People don’t decide their futures; they decide their habits, and their habits decide their future. F.M. Alexander Ever...
Apr 7, 2022How can your Personal Goals Affect your Business Results?By Cloé Caron We have all heard that you can only grow your business or your team to your level as a leader. This also implies that you...
Mar 13, 2022Board Thought Leadership Series - Tamara LoviBy Tamara Lovi WLP Thought Leadership Series is a bi-monthly communication to Women Leaders in Pharma from the WLP Board of Directors. It...
Mar 12, 2022Goal Setting – and How to Stick with Them By Reema Patel As we enter the third month of the year, I wanted to check in on how your goals for 2022 are coming along. Maybe you have...