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Reema Patel

Reema Patel

Une accompagnatrice exécutive pour les dirigeantes qui souhaitent améliorer leur leadership et leur efficacité grâce à l’intelligence stratégique et émotionnelle.

An executive coach for leaders who want to enhance their leadership & business effectiveness through emotional and strategic intelligence.

With over a decade of management consulting experience in the pharmaceutical industry, Reema’s clients recognize her as a strategic leader and a trusted advisor as they make crucial decisions in their business. Reema’s passion for helping clients realize their vision and thrive has led her to become a Certified Executive Coach.

Through her global experiences of consulting in 8 countries around the world, combined with her extensive experience in building strategy, she offers a unique coaching program for leaders. The objective of the executive coaching program is to enhance her client’s leadership and business effectiveness through strategic intelligence.

Reema’s clients include high potential managers to senior-level executives. She starts with an individual assessment, develops a personalized action plan, and then provides coaching to unlock the potential of the leader’s performance and that of their company. Reema also focuses on group coaching to facilitate meaningful conversations that leads to strengthening team capabilities and performance through emotional intelligence.

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Femmes Leader en Pharma  

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Laval (Québec)  H7X 1C7


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